Terms & Conditions
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) is to provide for the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of EdgeDX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” and users in using Internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) provided by the Company’s representative Web site (www.edgedx.ai).
Article 2 (Definitions)
- 1. [The Company’s representative Website (www.edgedx.ai)] means a vertical space designed by the Company, using computers and other information and communication equipment, so as to provide users with information on the products produced and sold by the Company and as well as its corporate information. It may also mean the services provided by the Company.
- 2. [User] refers collectively to those who visit the Company’s representative Web site and use the Services provided by the aforementioned Web site, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Article 3 (Display, Explanation, and Revision of these Terms and Conditions, etc.)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site displays on its initial screen the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, trade name and representative director’s name, address of the place of business (including the address of the place in which users’ complaints may be resolved), personal information handling policy, etc., to ensure that users will be informed thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may be arranged that users can view the provisions hereof through a connection screen.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site may revise these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate applicable laws, including but not limited to the Act on Consumer Protection, Act on the Regulation of General Clause, Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, Digital Signature Act, Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
- 3. When revising these Terms and Conditions, the Company’s representative Web site announces the proposed revision hereof by posting on its initial screen the same content and the then current Terms along with the effective date of and reasons for such revision and Conditions, starting on the date 7 days prior to the effective date thereof up to the date immediately preceding the effective date. If these Terms and Conditions are to be revised unfavorably to users, however, the proposed revision hereof shall be announced for at least 30 days prior to the proposed effective date of such revision. In such a case, the Company’s representative Web site shall display the revised provisions hereof so as for users to understand the same with ease, by clearly comparing the provisions in effect before and after the proposed revision.
- 4. When, upon the announcement or notification of the revision hereof pursuant to subsection 3 above, the Company’s representative Web site has expressly announced or notified users shall be deemed to have consented to the proposed revision hereof if they fail to clearly express their intent to refuse to accept the same within the notification period, a user shall be deemed to have consented to the revision hereof if he/she fails to do so.
- 5. If a user should not consent to the revision hereof, the Company shall not apply the revision hereof, in which case the user concerned may be subject to restrictions on the use of the Services provided by the Company’s representative Web site.
- 6. All matters that are not provided herein and interpretation hereof shall be subject to the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions, etc.; Act on the Regulation of General Clause; Consumer Protection Guidelines prescribed by the Fair Trade Commission, and applicable laws or generally accepted commercial practices.
Article 4 (Provision and Alteration of Services)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site shall carry out the following activities:
- ① Provision of the information on the products produced and sold by the Company
- ② Any other activities prescribed in the Company’s representative Website
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site may alter the information currently provided in case of discontinuation of or changes in the technical specifications of any product, or otherwise.
Article 5 (Suspension of Services)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site may temporarily suspend provision of the Services upon the occurrence of justifiable reasons, including, without limitation, checkup for repair, replacement, and breakdown of computers and other information and communication equipment as well as interruption of communication.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site shall not be liable to users or any third parties for the damage that result from such temporary suspension of Services caused by any of the event that sets forth in subsection 1 above, except where it proves that such suspension has occurred because of willful acts or negligence of the Company’s representative Website.
- 3. If the Services cannot be provided because of changes in the business line, giving up business, consolidation of companies, or otherwise, the Company’s representative Web site may provide a notice thereof to users in such a manner as provided in Article 8 hereof.
Article 6 (Protection of Personal Information)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site may collect users’ personal information to provide a variety of services related to Customer Inquiry, etc., and may collect and handle (that is, process, store, and manage) a minimum level of information necessary for such purposes.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site collects such personal information as set out in “Personal Information Handling Policy”
- 3. In collecting any personal information that can identify a user, the Company’s representative Web site shall obtain consent from the user concerned without failure.
- 4. The personal information provided by a user shall not be used other than for the intended purposes nor shall be provided to a third party without the consent of the user concerned; failing to do so will have the Company’s representative Web site be fully responsible and liable therefor, except where:
- ① A minimum level of user information (such as name, address, and phone number) is provided to delivery companies for their delivery services, to the extent that is necessary for such purposes
- ② Such personal information is provided in a form that cannot identify any specific individual person, as needed for statistics, academic research, or market survey
- ③ Such information is required for the adjustment and settlement of payments as a result of transaction of goods, etc.
- ④ Such information is needed to identify the user in question to prevent
- ⑤ Any unavoidable reasons exist, as provided in applicable laws or, otherwise, legally required
- 5. If the Company’s representative Web site is required to obtain consent from the user concerned pursuant to subsections 3 and 4 above, the Company’s representative Web site shall clearly mention to the user the provisions of Article 22.2 of the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., or give provide to the user thereof in advance, including the identity of the personal information manager (department, name, phone number, and other contact information), purposes of collection and use of such information, information concerning the provision of such information to a third party (recipient(s), purposes of provision, and the content of such information to be provided). For the avoidance of doubt, the user concerned shall be entitled to withdraw his/her consent at any time.
- 6. A user may request the Company’s representative Web site at any time to give him/her access to his/her personal information held by the latter or correct errors contained therein, in which case the Company’s representative Web site shall be obliged to promptly take necessary measures without delay. Upon request from a user for the correction of errors, the Company’s representative Web site shall not use such personal information until the errors in question have been duly corrected.
- 7. The Company’s representative Web site shall limit the number of persons who handle personal information to a minimum so as to protect personal information and shall be liable to users for the damage suffered as a result of loss, theft, divulgement, alteration of users’ personal information, or otherwise, to the extent that is prescribed by applicable laws.
- 8. When a third party has been provided with personal information by the Company or the Company’s representative Web site, that third party shall promptly destroy such personal information as soon as the purpose of collecting or being provided with such personal information has been attained.
Article 7 (Obligations of the Company’s Representative Website)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site shall not commit any acts that are prohibited by applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions or are against good public morals, and shall make its best endeavors to provide the Services on a continuing and stable basis pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site shall furnish itself with a proper security system enough to protect users’ personal information so as to ensure that users may use the Services safely.
- 3. The Company’s representative Web site shall not send any advertisement e-mails of profit-making nature that users do not want to receive.
Article 8 (Users’ Obligations)
Users shall not commit any of the following acts:
- 1. Register by entering false or incorrect entries, upon application for membership or changes
- 2. Steal information from another person
- 3. Alter the information posted on the Company’s representative Web site
- 4. Transmit or post any information (such as computer programs, etc.) other than that prescribed by the Company’s representative Web site
- 5. Infringe on intellectual property, including the copyright in the Company’s representative Web site or a third party’s copyright
- 6. Commit any acts that damage the reputation of the Company’s representative Web site or a third party, or interfere with their business
- 7. Disclose or post on the Company’s representative Website any information that is involved with obscene or violent messages, pictures, or voice, or is against good public morals
Article 9 (Relations between Connection Web site and Connected Web site)
- 1. When the Company’s representative Web site and a sub–Web site is connected with each other through a hyperlink (e.g., the object of such hyperlink //includes texts, pictures, moving pictures, etc.) method, the former is called the connection Web site, while the latter is called the connected Web site.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site shall not bear any obligations as guarantor for the transactions between users and the connected Web site with respect to the services, goods, etc., provided by the connected Web site independently.
Article 10 (Ownership of Copyright and Restrictions on Use)
- 1. The ownership of copyright and other intellectual property in the works prepared by the Company’s representative Website shall be based on the Company’s representative Website.
- 2. Users shall not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or, otherwise, use for profit-making purposes or allow a third party to use any information or intellectual property that belongs to the Company’s representative Web site among the information that they may acquire by using the Company’s representative Web site, without prior consent from the Company’s representative Website.
- 3. If the Company’s representative Web site uses any copyright that belongs to a user pursuant to the relevant agreement, the Company’s representative Web site shall give notice thereof to the user concerned.
Article 11 (Settlement of Disputes)
- 1. The Company’s representative Web site shall establish and operate a damage handling and compensation body so as to reflect the reasonable opinions and complaints raised by users, and compensate users for and deal with the damage resulting therefrom.
- 2. The Company’s representative Web site shall deal with the complaints and opinions raised by users with priority. If it is unable to promptly deal with the same, the user concerned shall be immediately advised of the reason and the expected schedule for dealing with the same.
- 3. If a request for remedy of the damage is made by a user in relation to a dispute between the Company’s representative Web site and the user concerned, the dispute in question may be settled in accordance with the mediation by a dispute mediation institution referred to by the Fair Trade Commission or the mayor or governor having jurisdiction.
Article 12 (Disclaimer)
The Company does not warrant that the Company’s representative Web site or any contents in this Web site, service of this Web site will be uninterrupted or error-free or that any defects will be corrected. The Company’s representative Web site and/or any contents in this Web site are provided at “As-is” basis. All content or information provided through the Company’s representative Web site is subject to change without any prior disclosure or notice. The web site user’s sole remedy is to avoid using the Company’s representative Web site or using any content or information provided by this Web site.
Article 13 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
All disputes between the Company’s representative Web site and users shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea, and all lawsuits brought out of or in relation to such disputes shall be brought to a court located in the Republic of Korea, having jurisdiction over such disputes pursuant to the Civil Procedure Act.
October 18, 2024