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EdgeDX,Dynamic Face Masking
AI App

Dynamic Face Masking

Masks the faces of everyone except the person for whom the event was detected.

  • Faces are masked to ensure personal privacy. Additionally, through AI video analysis, the system provides the capability to unmask the faces of objects related to detected events.
  • This feature effectively obscures unnecessary facial details to protect sensitive information while allowing compliance with privacy regulations and maintaining focus on relevant events.
Camera Installations Requirments & Minimum Object
  • Basic Information
    • Camera Installation Enviroment
    • Support Camera Type
      IP camera(O), Fisheye camera(X), Thermal camera(X)
    • Input Resolution
      Min 1280 x 720 ~ Max. 4K
    • Input Fram Rate
      Min 3fps
  • Detectable Object Size
    • Min Size: 1280 x 720 resolution or higher
      [Face] W 1%, H 1%
Demo Video

비밀번호 변경

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※ 비밀번호는 6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합.

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