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EdgeDX,Advanced Attribute
AI App

Advanced Attribute

In addition to basic attributes, you can distinguish detailed attributes such as age, gender, bag, and hat. You can filter events or send metadata for later searches.

  • This app enables the identification of advanced attributes such as age, gender, hat, top color, bag, and bottom color. This capability provides a comprehensive understanding of detected individuals, allowing for precise event filtering and the creation of metadata for efficient searches and analysis.
  • Ideal for security, retail, and public management, the app's ability to extract high-level attributes enhances monitoring accuracy, supports detailed investigations, and offers actionable insights for improving safety and operational efficiency.
Camera Installations Requirments & Minimum Object
  • Basic Information
    • Camera Installation Enviroment
    • Support Camera Type
      IP camera(O), Fisheye camera(X), Thermal camera(X)
    • Input Resolution
      Min 1280 x 720 ~ Max. 4K
    • Input Fram Rate
      Min 3fps
  • Detectable Object Size
    • Min size: 1280 x 720 resolution or higher
      [Person] W 64px, H 128px
Demo Video

비밀번호 변경

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※ 비밀번호는 6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합.

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  • 신규 비밀번호
  • 신규 비밀번호 확인