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EdgeDX,Advanced Heatmap
AI App

Advanced Heatmap

Generates heat map data that reflects customer interest through behavioral analysis. You can identify and visualize the degree of customer interest in multiple areas, such as each shelf or exhibition area in a store.

  • The app generates precise heatmap data reflecting customer interest through keypoint analysis of objects.
  • By utilizing keypoint detection technology focused on arm movements, it identifies when customers touch products on display shelves for a certain period and creates detailed heatmaps based on this data.
  • This functionality enables accurate identification of specific areas of interest, such as shelves, display zones, and exhibition spaces, providing valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.
  • Ideal for retail environments, museums, and showrooms, it delivers actionable data to optimize layouts, enhance customer experiences, and improve overall service strategies.
Camera Installations Requirments & Minimum Object
  • Basic Information
    • Camera Installation Enviroment
    • Support Camera Type
      IP camera(O), Fisheye camera(X), Thermal camera(X)
    • Input Resolution
      Min 1280 x 720 ~ Max. 4K
    • Input Fram Rate
      Min 3fps
  • Detectable Object Size
    • Min size: 1280 x 720 resolution or higher
      [Person] W 3%, H 13%

비밀번호 변경

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※ 비밀번호는 6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합.

  • 현재 비밀번호
  • 신규 비밀번호
  • 신규 비밀번호 확인