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EdgeDX,Road Pedestrian Detection
AI App

Road Pedestrian Detection

Detects pedestrians in areas inaccessible to pedestrians, such as automobile-only roads, bridges, and tunnels.

  • This app detects pedestrians in areas where pedestrian access is restricted, such as automobile-only roads, bridges, and tunnels, ensuring safety and preventing potential accidents. This app is designed to more accurately detect pedestrians by excluding people riding in vehicles, bicycles, or motorcycles on the road. It is optimized for this purpose, making it more effective than general intrusion detection systems.
  • By identifying unauthorized pedestrian presence in real time, the app provides immediate alerts to relevant authorities or monitoring personnel, enabling quick action to address the situation. This solution is ideal for maintaining safety and compliance in high-risk zones and minimizing disruptions caused by unauthorized access. With advanced detection capabilities, the app helps enhance road safety and streamline monitoring processes in critical infrastructure areas.
Camera Installations Requirments & Minimum Object
  • Basic Information
    • Camera Installation Enviroment
    • Support Camera Type
      IP camera(O), Fisheye camera(X), Thermal camera(X)
    • Input Resolution
      Min 1280 x 720 ~ Max. 4K
    • Input Fram Rate
      Min 3fps
  • Detectable Object Size
    • Min Size: 1280 x 720 resolution or higher
      ① Day
      [Person] W 1.5%, H 4%
      ② Night
      [Person] W 1.5%, H 4%
Demo Video

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※ 비밀번호는 6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합.

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