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    The following is an overview of our integration structure.

    To refer to the content listed as below, you will need to access our Docs site https://docs.edgedx.ai

    For access credentials, please contact us at sales@edgedx.ai

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    Product/Solution System Architecture Diagram   

    AI Bridge Intelligent Edge AIoT Gateway for Video Analysis

  • Q.

    The AI Bridge is the name used by EdgeDX for its product designed for advanced Edge AI Video Analysis

    It is a cutting-edge solution capable of receiving video streams and supporting over 50 types of sophisticated video analysis AI applications. 

    In addition to basic applications like intrusion detection, people counting, and heatmaps, the AI Bridge also provides highly advanced AI applications powered by technologies such as advanced behavior analysis and advanced attribute recognition, enabling more precise and intelligent insights for complex scenarios.

    It offers a wide range of interface support, including relay, audio, virtual alarms, and standard alarms, along with comprehensive API and action handler support such as HTTPS, MQTT, and ONVIF. This makes the AI Bridge a highly versatile and innovative Edge AIoT Video Analysis Gateway for diverse and demanding applications.

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